Volvo Penta Einbaumaschinen > Volvo Penta Dieselmotoren
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Sprache: Englisch
Content: Engine block: Timing gear case, Flywheel housing / Cylinder head: Inlet casing / Inlet- and exhaust line: Inlet union pipe, Exhaust pipe, Valve cover, Compensator, Exhaust hose, Compressor, Air filter, Throttle housing / Crankshaft: Con. rod, Bearing shell / Valve mechanism / Timing gears / Engine suspension / Lubricating system: Lubricating oil pump, Oil strainer (suction filter), Oil pressure relief valve, Oil pan, Oil pipes, Oil pipes for Turbo, Oil filter / Cooling system: Inter cooler - TIMD96, Oil cooler, Fresh water pump, Thermostat, Heat exchanger, Fresh water tank, Sea water pump, Bilge pump, Bilge ejector, Cooling water pipes / Electrical equipment: Dynamo type CAV, Dynamo type BOSCH, Drive belt, Charging relay, Starter type BOSCH, Starter type CAV / Instrument / Control: Electric stop device / Fuel system: Fuel injection pump, Drive device, Fuel injector, Fuel filter, Fuel pipes / Reverse gear / Friction clutch: Flexible coupling / Spares kit / Tools
Sprache: Englisch / Revisionsdatum: 01-1964
Content: Presentation / Running instructions: Instruments, Procedure before starting, Starting, Procedure after starting, Manoeuvring, Stopping, Running-in, Precautions in case of frost / Technical description: Engine unit, Lubricating system, Fuel system, Turbo-compressor, Cooling system, Electrical system, Reverse gears and reduction gears, Clutches with disengaging devices and reduction gears, Lubricating oil and fuel / Servicing: Servicing scheme, Lubrication, Periodical servicing, General check and inspection instructions, Inhibiting the engine / Technical data
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